Greetings Land of Osbourne readers! I realize its been a while since I did a real live update, not a meme, or uplifting words. So here we go. Lets start with my (step)son Johnathan. He moved with his Mom to a teeny town in Wisconsin and with no promising employment options, he decided to enlist in the United States Army. So proud! I spoke to him recently, he is about 2 weeks away from leaving for basic training. Way to go kiddo! Had a wonderful Christmas and birthday. Low key, quiet, just the way I like it. John likes to try and get me every single thing on my "list", so this year, he did the same. Spoiled? Me? (wink) I recently sprained my left ankle. John and I had just gotten home from doing the grocery shopping, and he had said that he'd take the garbage out after we were done putting stuff away. Me, trying (in vain, it seems) to be helpful, decided to take the garbage out while he worked on putting stuff away. As I went down the front staircase a...