Getting to know Marshall Osbourne Marshall kitty is what John and I refer to as our "Bonus Kitty". When we saw the ad on Facebook in our local neighborhood page for free kittens, we reached out to the gal and asked about them. She had stated there was 1 left, a tabby. So we asked to adopt him. As the date of us picking up our new kitty approached, I got a message from the gal wondering if we would be interested in adopting the brother to the kitten we were going to adopt. We didn't really even hesitate, John said yes right away. She was so glad we said yes, she said that they were bonded so closely, she was concerned how they would do apart. This is how we came to adopt Marshall. Marshall is an aloof boy, who likes to call the shots on when or if he is going to allow you to see or pet him. Marshall doesn't like to be held or picked up but will allow himself to be for a short period of time. I refer to Marshall as my "Indiana Jones Kitty". ...