Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Democrats vs Repbulicans

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. 

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

-P.J. O’Rourke

Friday, September 14, 2012

Be the flame, or the mirror that reflects it

To forgive is to rediscover the inner peace that at first you thought someone took away when they betrayed you.

When the person you want to be with pushes you away, thank them for pointing you in the right direction.

No matter what happens, no matter the outcome, you’re going to be just fine. Let things you can’t control, happen.

Stop focusing on what you DON'T want in your life. The more you think about it, the more you affirm and attract what you fear into your everyday experiences. You become your own worst enemy.

Letting go doesn't mean you forget the person completely, it just means that you find a way of surviving without them.

The best days of your life will be the ones where you let your heart decide what to do.

There are two ways to spread light in this world. You can either be the flame, or the mirror that reflects it.

Elvis Presley - I'm Beginning To Forget You

this one is for you Rachel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

True Happiness

  1. True happiness comes from within, not from someone else.  Don’t make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along and make you happy.
  2. Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.
  3. If you feel like your ship is sinking, it might be a good time to throw out the stuff that’s been weighing it down.  Let go of people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.
  4. Just because it didn’t last forever, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth your while.
  5. Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Don’t expect others to read your mind, and don’t play games with their heads and hearts.  Don’t tell half-truths and expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out.  Half-truths are no better than lies.  And don’t ignore someone you care about, because lack of concern hurts more than angry words.
  6. Lies help no one in the long run.  So… 1) Don’t say “I love you” if you don’t mean it. 2) Don’t say “I understand” if you have no clue. 3) Don’t say “I’m sorry” if you’re not. 4) Be honest with yourself and your loved ones.
  7. Tell the truth, or eventually someone will tell it for you. 
  8. Good relationships don’t just happen; they take time, patience and two people who truly want to work to be together.
  9. Falling in love is not a choice.  To stay in love is.
  10. Love doesn’t hurt.  Lying, cheating and screwing with people’s feelings and emotions hurts.
  11. When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority.  Loyalty is everything.
  12. A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This is me, like it or not.

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. 

You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. 

Forget the bad, and focus on the good. 

Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. 

Life is too short to be anything but happy. 

Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:

This is me damn it!  I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel,
love the way I love!  I am a whole complex package.  Take me. . . or leave me.
Accept me--or walk away!  Do not try to make me feel like less of a person,
just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change
me to fit your mold.  If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.

When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad--
you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.

Vehicles of Osbourne

 I am going to give you a brief overview of the vehicles my husband John and I own. (in no specific order) 2002 Pontiac Trans Am Firehawk - ...