Friday, April 27, 2018

April 17th 1993 - April 17th 2018

Greetings ! 

So, back in 1993 when I began dating my husband John, he drove a 1985 Berlinetta Camaro. (white, T-tops, fast, get the picture).  I have been a fan of Camaro's ever since. I particularly like that body style, as later on I owned 2 of them myself, a 1987 (which was totaled when I was in a car accident), and then its replacement, a 1988 Camaro.  

Fast forward to April 17th, 2018. Our 21st wedding anniversary. 

My husband has/had a 1999 Harley Davidson Fatboy I bought HIM for his 40th birthday.  He enjoys riding it, I enjoy it as well, but with so many distracted drivers, older drivers, younger drivers and foreign drivers, he just didn't enjoy it as much and I was constantly worried for his safety anytime he went out.  

He sold his Harley and bought me a WHITE CAMARO

Granted, its not a 1985, but its as reasonably close as we're going to get and I love it. 

Its not a V8 (good!), has high miles (fine), and its not mint condition (even better!) 

When John told me this was his plan....disbelief, shock, then awe.  Every time I look at it, I remember what he did to get it for me and I just melt.  

King of the Husbands = John Osbourne 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Do not quit

Posted: 31 Jan 2018 06:29 AM PST

How does self-improvement apply to each of us? There is no one system or technique which applies equally across the board. There are numerous books, articles, teachers, techniques and schools of thought to guide us in our quest for self- improvement.
There are a number of common threads running throughout all of these. Here are just a few of them:
* Treat others as you wish to be treated.
* You become what you constantly think about.
* You determine what you are and what you will be by the choices you make.
* When you honestly and deeply believe something it will become true.
* Eat, breathe and live as though you were wealthy and you will become wealthy.
* When your main focus is on lack and poverty you will continue to be poor and lacking.
* Visualize what you wish as though it were true right now and not at some future date.
* Take action on your wishes (dreams, desires).
* Life is but a journey which is taken one step at a time. All we ever have is the step we are currently taking.
* The Kingdom of Heaven is within (know thyself, go into yourself to seek the truth, the inner journey is the most important).
All of these and the other common threads will apply to and be used by each of us in a different manner. What works for one person may not necessarily hold true for another. While it is true we can learn from others, we alone can make our journey. Nobody can do it for us.
We must take these teachings and doctrines and adapt them to our own unique needs, desires and wishes. We do this through self-study and observation to find those areas in which we need growth and development.
In conjunction with this, we need to research and study many different doctrines and teachings. From these we can determine those things that attract us and strike the note of truth within. You will know when something has the ring of truth to it.
A whole doctrine or line of teaching may only contain one or two principles which will apply to you, however these may be critical to your development. Try to be as open-minded as possible, but always verify the truth of the principle for yourself.
Never accept anything as being the truth for you until you have verified it for your own purposes. Another's truth may well be the direct opposite of your truth.
So long as you seek self-improvement and development you cannot fail. You will undoubtedly become discouraged at times because of a lack of any perceived gains. Should you feel you have hit a brick wall, simply regroup and try another technique or strategy.
No matter what you do or what happens, just do not quit. Those who continue to seek self-development and growth always win. It is simply a matter of time.
I wish you great satisfaction in your journey through life.
Robert Taylor

Friday, December 8, 2017

Minnesota Winter Driving

​So, as you've no doubt surmised by this point, I live in Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes (its actually closer to 14,000 lakes), and 10,000 feet of snow every winter. (slight exaggeration) 

When I was young and stupid, I drove a Camaro, and the first year I owned it I made the not so bright decision to drive it during the winter. Its worth noting that my husband John has driven Camaro's in the winter as well. 

Camaro's are rear wheel drive, and are NOT designed for winter travel in any way shape or form. ​Regardless if you put lots of weight in the rear end (another winter time must) it will simply not do well.  

A few years down the road, I also owned a really nice Mustang. Having driven a Camaro in the winter, John and I knew it wouldn't do well, so we had no plans of driving it, however we did have to move it from one parking lot to another one winter day and we were shown how poorly Mustangs do. Worse than Camaros in fact. 

So, if you see a sports car this winter driving in the snow and ice, cut them some slack. It takes a LOT of patience and skill to drive one of these cars in the winter.  

I will say it did make a difference in how I drive in the winter after that, as I drive much more carefully than I think I normally would, and I can say with complete certainty that John is the best winter driver I've ever known. I think the sports car driving in the winter really made all the difference. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017



People who claim to be your friend do not do the following:
  • Talk negatively about you to anyone
  • Speculate about your actions to others without fact based information
  • Do not support you in things they do not agree with
Hard lesson to learn, painful. 

However it was an important lesson for me to learn, for I learned through experience recently who my "friends" truly are. 

Its lonely from time to time, but I am strong. 

I have had to be strong for a long time, and I will continue to do so in the best way I know how. 

I have learned now who I can trust and who I can not. 

I will continue to be nice and polite to all, but sharing with people who simply do not care makes no sense. 

Bottom line?  If you're my friend, thank you. I appreciate you. 

If you are one of the ones who did the things I listed above? 

Your actions are not what people who are "Friends" do.  Thank you for sh0wing me your true colors. I wish you the best.

Vehicles of Osbourne

 I am going to give you a brief overview of the vehicles my husband John and I own. (in no specific order) 2002 Pontiac Trans Am Firehawk - ...