Celebrity Crushes

My list of celebrity crushes has always been the following - starting with the 1st, working my way to the most recent.

1. Luke Perry - Loved that total bad ass Dylan McKay. He resembes my husband John slightly, and that husky, raspy voice? Oh yeah.

2. Jensen Ackles - Found him when I was a Dark Angel fan - he played Alec. Loved the way that hot bar code looked on the back of his neck. I suffered through Dawsons Creek, just to see him, then he was on Smallville, so of course I followed him there. Now he is on Supernatural as Dean. Love his sense of humor, although I loved his sense of humor on Dark Angel as Alec more.

3. David Boreanaz, I developed a crush on him when I started watching Bones. I never planned on watching Bones, I might add, however my niece insisted I watch it, so we could "Talk about it together" - (which we never did by the way). Ironically, he resembles my ex boyfriend, Mark. Up until recently, he was my NUMBER one celeb crush (sorry Luke & Jensen)

4. Shocking, new celeb crush? Misha Collins. Wow. I so love his character Castiel on Supernatural. Those eyes? That mouth. His dramatic whispery voice, and entrances. (swoons).  I have actually sought out pictures of him on the internet, and found some AWESOME ones. (I'll post one for your viewing pleasure)

5. The one person who will ALWAYS be my number one crush though? Elvis Presley. Always.


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