April the bad blogger

I know you've all been waiting breathlessly for me to update my blog ....(pause for wild applause), so here I am. Updating.

John as of now is still unemployed, driving me crazy. AT least he empties the dishwasher now though. THAT is a major improvement. :)

We also have added a new animal to our family.

White kitten named Kashmir.

Sounds so cute, so sweet, so cuddly, right.


She is the kitten from HELL.

She was born on April 1st. Named her Kashmir from the Led Zepplin song. (love that song)

man - she LOVES  to bite. We had to go out and purchase squirt guns (a 6 pack), and place them stragecially throughout the house. In an effort to get her to stop biting fingers, toes, anything her mouth can get on, biting Katie, biting Rommy, biting the iguana's tail, getting into the plants, climbing the screen door, etc. There is about an hour or 2 a day where she IS cute, fluffy, purry, cuddly kitty, the the other 90% of the time, she is a little shit. Hoping she calms down...soon.

In other news (I love saying that), John has a job interview on Wednesday. I am now soliciting prayers from everyone I know. (wink, nudge). IF he gets a new job, we can refinance the house, and at some point get a new car. My 2001 Ford Explorer has 204,000 miles on it. Dad retired from Ford, so I get a nice discount. We're thinking of a Fiesta or a Focus. I'd love a Fusion, but they're a little pricey.

So thats whats new and shaking in my world. I am on "vacation" this week. Yes. I have a to-do list.

Here it is:

Shampoo Carpet (done today)
Scrub Kitchen Floor (did yesterday)
Scrub Entry Floor
Scrub Bathroom Floor (done)
Scrub walls in hallway, bathroom, bedroom (1/2 done)
Clean  the windows 
Organize under bathroom cabinet (done)
Organize hall closet (done)
Change bedding (done)
Clean and change hummingbird feeder (done)
Dust (done)
Clean the fish tanks
Clean the computer desk (Done)

I also mowed the front lawn, weeded the front garden, pulled weeds in the back yard, cleaned & filled the bird bath, filled the bird feeder, cleaned the deck, took the dogs for their 7 mile walk (twice now). 

I did sit still at some point and watched the Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Toy Story. (also went to see Toy Story 3 in the theater, yes, I cried).

Talk to you all soon!



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