Happy New Year, Happy Birthday!

Welcome to 2011!

I can honestly say 2010 was a very tough year, and I am hoping that 2011 is way better.

Today is my birthday. I am actually starting to feel OLD.It sucks! 

John got me the following: 

Fringe Season 2 DVD
Glee Season 1 DVD
Pepsi - tee-shirt
Design Perfume (that comes w/a little bottle for my purse)
Intuition razor/bath set -mucho cool!
Oreo mousse birthday cake
Oreo ice cream
Birthday card that made my throat cry

From Jeanette:
Boston Terrier figurine
30 bucks cash

From Mom & Dad
Toy Story 3 DVD - (I really wanted this!)

In other news...

1st - our garage door opener bit the dust. What a pain in the ass.
2nd - found out that Hunter Douglas is going to come in and shut down Warren Steven - with the slight possibility that they'll keep some of the employees - damn I hope so. I can't be without insurance

I had  a fantastic new years eve with John.

Positive thoughts for the new year

much love,


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