Rear Ended - AGAIN

On April 18th 1995, I was involved in a car accident. My Camaro was rear-ended and it was totaled. I was in physical therapy for 1 year after.

Monday February 24th at exactly 4:40 pm, I was on the way to go pick up John from work. I was at the interesection of 18th Ave NE and Fillmore. I stopped at the 4 way stop (it is a residential type neighborhood), and had just started across the intersection, when B A M! I was hit from behind. I didn't see him coming at all.

The other driver drove a foreign made pick up truck and had slid right through the intersection and slammed into me. He did try to swerve, so most of the damage is on the rear passenger side of my car. My bumper is broken on both sides, and cracked in the middle. It looks like its going to fall off.

When the guy came to talk to me, he didn't want to give me his name, phone number or insurance info. He said all I needed was the licence plate number.


So....what I just look up the information on the internet or something? Right.

I insisted on getting at least his policy number and the name of his insurance company.

What a run around I am getting from them.

At first, it would be a day or two tops, and they'd get my car into a garage and fixed. Then it would be another day or so. Now its looking like next week.

Yesterday the insurance adjuster came and checked out my car.

The roads here in Minnesota are absolutely HORRIBLE. Pure solid, thick ice on most side streets, and then in other places, thick ice mixed with dry pavement, giving you that genuine off road experience while driving.

This has been by far one of the worst winters on record for Minnesota, and I know I speak for MANY when I say we're ready for it to be D O N E.


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