Osbourne Family Update

​Greetings and Salutations! 

It seems like a good time to do an Osbourne Family Update. 

Lets start with John, aka King of the Husbands. He is doing great. His job is going well, he is busy and seems to have really found his niche and is thriving at his job. Although he does work 1/2 day every Saturday, it all works well, that gives me time to get my Saturday morning housework done, so when he finally does get home, we can enjoy our weekend together. I'm so proud of him!

Ozzy - my sweet little Boston Terrier who I love to pieces and spoil at every opportunity is doing good too. Recently, Jeanette, my mother in law moved out after getting married, so he does miss her. But she comes over and checks on him several times a day. She only lives like 3 miles from us, so its not a long drive, and Ozzy loves his Grandma Jeanette. :)

Birdie update - I have 9 Zebra Finches, 2 Shaft Tail Finches, and 1 lonely female Gouldian Finch. Birdies all doing well. Every other week I do a total bird cage overhaul. I have a very very large bird cage John customized for me. One of my simple pleasures, is after the weekend house work is done, I sit in my recliner, sip coffee or tea, and watch them. So relaxing. 

Recently, our Chilean Rose Tarantula, Charlotte died. ​ We adopted her when a friend of John's died, and his wife couldn't find anyone who wanted her. She figured since John has a Python, why wouldn't he want a Tarantula too? No idea how hold she was, but we gave her a good life. Its weird. I never held her, but I sort of miss having her around.  It was sort of cool to see her creep around her little tank.

We have a "pet" mouse I liberated from being snake food. John and I both bought baby Ball Pythons this winter, (Vincent and Susie) so they're eating mice. So, I have a little white mouse named Mickey that I evidently overfeed, as he is a little fat. Love him though. When I clean his tank, I put him in a little hamster ball and let him run around the house. Ozzy is curious but knows to leave him alone. :) 

Now for me. I am doing good. I feel more free and happier than I've been in a long time. I let go of the pain and hurt of the past and am concentrating on moving forward and the future. Without John, I never would have made it through the severe depression I was in. 
My best friend Kim was a lifesaver as well. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a caring, loving, trustworthy and steadfast friend as she is. I struggle with Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety, but she puts up with me anyway. I make it a point to try and hang out with her one Sunday a month. Kim is also Ozzy's Godmother. I know if anything were to happen to John and I, she would make sure he was taken care of. Ozzy loves his auntie Kim. :) 

Work is going well for me too. While every job has its challenges, I am happy with my job and feel thankful that I work where I do. 

John and I are looking forward to working on the house in the upcoming year or so. First up is our deck. We are going to strip, sand and paint it. It really needs it. Excited to see how it turns out. 

Hope you're all well. Drop me a line sometime! 



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