Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is, in essence, true love -- so different from the kind of love most of us have known all our lives that it deserves a  definition of its own. 

Unconditional love is caring about the happiness of another person without any thought for what we might get for ourselves.


Finding out that this type of love you assumed you'd always have from someone isn't there anymore is painful.

How do you respond to this realization? 

Blame yourself?  

Blame the other person?

Keep trying to get the love back that never should have gone away to begin with? Which could wind up being an effort of futility and end up causing more pain?

Learn a lesson from the entire experience and move forward with the knowledge it has shown you...

On the other hand, what if they suddenly decide all is okay and suddenly they feel its time to "forgive and forget"?

Each person is going to feel and decide how to handle this based on their own experience in the situation and how it effected them.

Having been in this situation first hand, I know the pain. I know the sorrow it brings.

At one time, I would have probably "forgive and forget", but not only the pain itself, who it was from, and not only the thought behind the action, as well as lack of thought for the other person involved has given me a new perspective on this.

Can I forgive? No. Not anymore.

Can I forget? No. I will never forget the pain it caused me emotionally, and more importantly, mentally.

I have to protect myself and my heart from those whom I should never have to do so from.

Lesson learned. A very very painful lesson, one I am sad to have to have gone through at all.

The decision by the other party was selfish, childish, and no thought was given to the long term results or the feelings of others involved. 

For that reason, I will NEVER allow this to happen to me again. If pressed, "Why can't you just let it go?"

Because it should have never happened to begin with, and as its happened once from someone it NEVER should have come from, sadly it could happen again.

At this point, I can be grateful for my husband, John. I am grateful for Heather, my cousin who is the sister of my heart, and finally, my best friend Kim, who is there for me ANY time I need her. Without the support of these 3 I don't think I would have the strength to have gotten through this at all.

Onward and upward!


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