
When I was a little girl, my parents paid for me to have piano lessons. From early elementary school to around the time I met John, I took lessons. 

Certain songs I really enjoyed playing, and memorized.  Anytime I hear those songs, my fingers still remember (mostly) just what to do. Surprisingly, it even causes me to long to play a piano, although I do not own one. 

I've tried playing eletronic keyboards in the past, and I feel sort of dumb for saying this, but the keys feel different. I mean, sure, the skillset is still there but its somehow not as enjoyable...or something than playing on a normal piano.  

I remember the type of Piano it was, it was a Whitney Kimball.  If the day ever comes where I have the time and inclination, I'd like to pick up playing again.  
I was pleasantly surprised how man free piano's are available on craigslist!

The songs I memorized that I really liked to play are: 
Music Box Dancer
You're A Grand Old Flag 
You Are My Sunshine 

I also ​picked up the simple sheet music for "My Heart Will Go On" and taught myself that one on my own before finally giving up on playing.  


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