November Osbourne Update

Greetings & Salutations! (anyone know which movie that particular greeting comes from?)

Recently, we've had some rodent issues in the lower level of our house.  We initially discovered it because we have a series of cameras in our home that are triggered by motion.  One morning I was checking the alerts for the camera, and there was a few around 1:30am in our downstairs. Ok. I clicked on the video and damn was I surprised to see a mouse literally RIGHT in front of the camera.  Another time I was using the downstairs bathroom, and I happen to glance to the left to the hallway and saw a mouse run by.  Ok. Yep. Its time to get some traps.

We got a bunch of sticky traps and traditional mouse traps and this week we've killed 6. SIX!! Funny, John inspected each kill and determined they were 3 different species of mouse. The other day he was taking a sticky trap with 2 mice on it outside to the trash, and the second the cold air hit the mice, they both started to wiggle.  I would have dropped it an ran. LOL

I'm getting close to borrowing one of my BFF Kim's 4 cats.

Our hot water heater kicked the bucket, so that was a delightful unexpected expense.  The last item in our house that needs replacement is our furnace, that came with the house when it was built in 1996.

As far as work goes, I'll quote Kevin Arnolds Dad from the TV show "The Wonder Years" :

Work is work.


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