Oh Ick

Growing up, both of my parents were full time workers.  My Dad worked at the Twin Cities Ford Plant, and my Mom worked for GNB Batteries.  From time to time, Mom needed to go on business trips. 

When that happened, Dad would cook. (I'd imagine you can see where I am going with this) 

Dad wasn't really the greatest cook, and as such, my sister and I both knew that if Mom was going out of town, that meant Dad was going to cook.  And if Dad was going to cook, that meant only one thing.  Oh Ick. 

Oh Ick is one of Dad's favorite meals (I really can't conceive of why), Oh Ick consists of overcooked elbow macaroni and tomato soup. I am not exaggerating when I say we would CRY if he made it because we both hated it so much, which is where the name, "Oh Ick" came from. 

Oh Ick has evolved somewhat over the years, and has now become a staple at family gatherings, to the point that when handing out pot luck assignments, someone always gets "Oh Ick" however its much more palatable now than it was previously.  

From time to time, a cousin will post online what they're bringing for such and so event, and you can always count on Oh Ick making the list. 


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