Land of Osbourne NEWS

Well readers, 

Within the next few days, I will no longer be employed by Hunter Douglas. 

On May 12th, it was decided to close the Roseville and Chicago locations of Hunter Douglas.

June 1st, myself and my 2 employees began the difficult job of clearing out the office.  

I'm sad to be forced to leave this position, as I've been in this industry since January of 1999.  First Steven Fabrics, then Warren Steven, then HD came in and I wound up here. 

Fingers crossed I can find something that will make me happy. 

In other news, John and I adopted 2 kittens from a gal in Cambridge.  One looks like a tabby/bengal mix, the other is mostly white with a few tabby markings.  Originally, we were just going to adopt the tabby we named Maverick (looks like he has a giant M on his forehead).  The gal we got them from asked if we'd consider adopting his brother, Marshall too, as the two were very bonded.  Sure why not.  

Welcome Maverick and Marshall toLand of Osbourne! 



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