Winter 2020 update


I realize its been a bit since I've posted an update, however the world sucks right now, and I simply didn't have the urge to type up an update. 

I am no longer employed with Hunter Douglas as of June - they closed the location I worked from and did not offer a stay at home option. 

When I was first let go, I honestly thought that me finding a new job wouldn't be that bad.  With COVID + Crohn's Disease though, it changed the landscape of the jobs I wanted to apply for. 

I am primarily focusing on work from home employment, for obvious reasons. I've noticed the pay typically sucks, but I haven't given up yet. 

I just signed up for  "MNSURE" health insurance, so fingers crossed that it is adequate enough to cover things, until with any luck the US Government can get their head of their ass and get the US some universal coverage...

John and I adopted 2 kittens from a gal in town. Originally I was only going to adopt one, Maverick, but the gal we got them from said they're very very bonded (true!), and would we consider taking both? Sure! So far, its gone great, no major issues. They both get "fixed" December 4th. 

In other news, John bought me a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix - and get this - its PURPLE!

We got it cheap, and the miles it has is 100,000, which is less than the car I am driving has. John did a TON of work on it to get it to a place where he was happy. 

Hope all is well with anyone reading this, say a few positive words or prayer that employment finds its way to me. 



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