Oranges and Spiders, featuring Kim Roeker

My BFF Kim went to Florida again recently, (staying with the same friend of hers, with Lane) 

Here is our conversation via text the day she was coming home: 

Kim:  I got you something!

Me: Woohoo! Is it a shot glass?

Kim: No. But I can get you that too

Me: (laughing emoji)

Kim: Ohh, look at what we got at the orange place

(inserted bunch of pictures of bags of oranges)

Me: got oranges at the orange place?

Kim: LOL, Yup

Me: Wheeee! Living it up! Orang-a-vwee is orange in Russian

Kim: Look at that spider

Me: NO

Kim: It's cute. On the orange

Me: No spider anywhere is cute

Kim: Did you see the video?

Me: Of the orange?

Kim: Yes

Me: Are you filming oranges?? (laughing emoji)

Kim: Just watch it

Me: I'm dying with laughter here...ok ok. 

Its gross and creepy

Kim: I brought the orange up to the desk and asked the girl what kind of spider is this?

Me: No spider orange juice for me.  Please tell me you didn't buy me a spider.

Kim: She thought I was asking about the orange until she saw the spider. Grabbed her chest and 
stepped back. 

Me: I'd do that

Kim: OMG she said, that's a crab spider

Kim: Then it jumped off my hand

Me: Did she scream and run away?(shudder)

Kim: LOL


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