Memorial Day 2021


How has your spring been going so far? Weather has been perfect, and I was finally able to get some gardening done. John took me flower shopping, and everything we bought was purple. I’m going to need more, but it’s going to have to wait until next weekend. One thing I got done was to sort of pretty up the view from my office, and have succeeded, but still a few things left I want to do. 

My job is going good, I’m still happy there, and am looking forward to learning more and getting better at things. Working from home is an absolute dream come true. I take about 90-120 calls a day. 

My two kitties have grown up and are a year old, got them both fixed. I’m not exaggerating when I say they follow me everywhere. I love their personalities.

We got a new avaiary, and successfully transferred all 38 of them from their previous home to the new one. I love it. 

Take care,

April Osbourne 


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