You never expect someone who loves you to hurt you, especially a family member, either intentionally or unintentionally, so when it does happen, the pain resulting is significant and unexpected, which seems like it makes it more intense. Sometimes, you can piece together why the other person acted out in the way that they did, but other times, you’re left wondering what went wrong, if it was something that you had done or not done, said or did not say. Regardless, the pain is very real. How do you react to this sort of pain? Do you confront the person? Wait for them to come to you? Do you pretend like nothing happened? Whichever action is taken it seems is the wrong action. Sometimes, if you are very lucky, you have someone who loves you and cares about you to lean on, and they can help you through the process. I am hurting as a direct result of lies and deception from someone who claimed to love me. I am also hurting for some transgr...