Positive Thought for the day

Posted: 08 May 2012 04:12 AM PDT
We are given everything we need to have the lives we want.
It is within you, in your make-up, to be whoever you want to be. Maybe your mindset is driving you in such a way that you are repressing those wonderful gifts given to you as part of your creation. But I am here with GREAT news. They are there, and they are yours! All you have to do is unearth them and build something spectacular.
Our talents and skills are part of our being.  In fact, each of us has a distinct set of tools that are our own.  And that’s why we were put on this planet – to share those talents and skills with the world!
Turn off any self-talk that tells you that you are destined to live a small life. You’re not.You have internal gifts (resourcefulness, energy, attitude, all sorts of positive attributes) and external gifts (food, water, nature, people and other helpful resources). If you are thinking, “My only gift is that I can get up every morning and get through it all again,” turn it off right now. That’s a damaging mindset! It will do nothing but hold you back and you deserve so much more!
Your gifts can make great things happen in your life!
When you focus far too much on your problems, perceived shortcomings or other obstacles you get yourself STUCK. If all you see is growing debt, lack of money, fleeting dreams or a dismal future, you are stopping your momentum before it even has a chance to start.  If you’re one of those telling yourself you can’t afford a bigger life, or that you don’t have enough time to do everything you need to do, or you’re too tired, overworked, and have a lackluster life – stop! It’s time to shift your mindset and take action to create positive results!
Focus on the good things you do have, not on what you don’t have. Change the conversation in your head. Be good to yourself when you talk to yourself!  Change the people you associate with, if you need to. Get positive support. Reach out for what you want. Bring together those you need to help you succeed in creating a bigger life.  You have the potential, the capability. It is within you. Once you tap into it, you will see immediate results and great rewards come to you. When we use, share, and value our gifts properly, we receive rewards in the form of positive, regenerating energy and optimism.  If we give away our value, even literally, by extending our skills and talents without getting paid or recognized, it depletes energy and creates a negative attitude.
Gifts can make you feel like you have superpowers!
Your inner strengths, your natural abilities and everyday skills are the gateway to a brighter future. Here’s an exercise which will help you reset your mindset and help you access all of the wonderful gifts you have.
Sit down and write out everything you’re grateful for, everything you’re able to do and everything you even wish you could do. Get in the habit of thinking positively about yourself and what you’re capable of.  When you change that conversation with yourself, something miraculous happens!
Open those doors and let the opportunity flood in and fill your life with success.
Loral Langemeier.


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