April Update

Greetings Land of Osbourne readers,

I know you've all been dying to know how I am doing and how John is doing. I know you love the cool stuff I post here, uplifting, thought provoking stuff, but I know you also love the Osbourne updates. So here we go.

I went to the University of Minnesota and had a colonoscopy for my yearly Crohn's check. First of all, may I say - what an awesome place. I use to go to Minnesota Gastroenterology - where I felt more like a number, where it seemed like they were more interested in quantity of patients, not quality of each person.  The U of M though - awesome. I had 3 doctors in the room with me during the procedure - one to JUST watch the monitor, one to watch my vitals, and one to guide the scope. They took 9 biopsies too check for cancer. (yay). I have to wait 2 weeks for THOSE results. I am pleased to announce that there IS a portion that is NORMAL. Yep. NORMAL. However the rest is riddled with disease, scar tissue and other fun stuff. The doctor said that my situation is Chronic but not Alarming. So....that something right? I need to set up a follow up appointment. Been so busy haven't had time.

Speaking of busy - I am insanely busy at work. I'm now taking advantage of the opportunity of overtime. Not only for the obvious fact that the money is nice, but also because I am super busy. They've increased my responsibilities. Hope to get some additional financial compensation as well at some point.

John had bronchitis - he actually went to the doctor which is nearly a miracle in itself. He was  on antibiotics. It worked out that his job had him stay home a week due to lack of jobs to do, but financially that really hurt us. We filed for unemployment, so that will help. They are still quite slow at his job, so we're praying that things pick up so we can get a little more caught up financially.

My Dad made me an awesome little table to put behind our couch. Because we have a bay window, the couch wont go flush to the wall, and of course Katie & Ozzy want to look out the front window and bark or just look, and they both fell behind the couch several times.  So sad! I felt bad for them. Anyway - the little table Dad built was custom made and designed so they won't fall anymore. I'm happy and so are they. :)  

Mom and Dad got new living room recliners for themselves and let us have their old ones. (which are in pretty decent shape I might add). its awesome to watch TV or Movies in those chairs! )

I think that is all that is new and shaking in my world right now. Hope you guys are all happy, healthy and enjoying our awesome fall weather.

-April Osbourne-


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