
Greetings and Salutations! 

Not sure if you guys are aware, but I suffer from chronic depressive disorder, which means that I will be on medication to help keep me smiling and sane, likely for the rest of my life. 

It has taken some time, (3 years to be specific) to figure out my magic combination of drug therapy, and I think I've FINALLY got it figured out. (well, not ME on my own, but with the help of my doc)

Despite my recent diagnosis of Gastroparisis, and the side effects and what that all means, the Crohn's Disease and we can't forget my bad knee too (which I realize needs surgery again, but until I can't walk at all, I'm not doing it). 

Anyway - the reason for my post is, recently I came to the realization that I am HAPPY. 

Sure, there are some things in my life I wish were different, just like anyone else, but I am smiling more and am happy. 

In closing, I'd like to say this: 

Some of the best prayers that I've prayed to God are the ones that he said : "No"   to. 

Take care friends....

April (Miller) Osbourne


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