
Music is an interesting thing. It changes how you feel, reminds you of good things and bad. 

For some, they can take music or leave it. 

For others, they can't imagine a day without music in it, and that would be me. 

I love most all types of music. The only type I really don't enjoy would be "death metal" or things in  that sort of category. All other music, I enjoy. 

On certain television shows, tv commericals or movies, music plays an huge part. 

Here is a list of songs I won't be able to listen to without thinking of something else: 

(in no particular order, other than what pops into my mind first) 

Carry on Wayward Son - Kansas - Truthfully, I never heard the song before watching the TV show Supernatural. Now, not only do I associate that song with Supernatural, I have gone as far as downloading it. 

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper - This was featured prominently on an episode of my favorite show Bones. If you're a Bones fan, no other explanation necessary. Iconic episode.  Now, whenever I hear it, I think of Temperance "Bones" Brennan singing it in Karaoke shortly before Seeley Booth is shot. 

Hot Blooded - Foreigner - I had heard the song before, but wasn't impressed with it. Until the historic Bones episode that any true Bones fan worth their salt knows; Season 1, Two Bodies in the Lab. It is now considered Booth and Brennans "Song", and has been featured on a few other episodes throughout the television shows history. It is my favorite song, and the default ringtone on my cell phone. I love it. 

We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister - I love this song. It is now the theme opening song to Betty White's Off Their Rockers. Now when I hear it, I think of Betty White and that awesome show that makes me LMAO. 

Pick Me Up On Your Way Down - Charlie Walker - When I was little, Mom and Dad took me and Rachel to the Grand 'ol Opry. This song, when Rachel and I were kids, use to be one of her favorites. When we were at the Grand 'ol Opry, as we were walking out, someone was on stage singing this song. The song has a whole new meaning for me now, as it makes me think of Rachel. 

Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms - When I was dating John, back in 1993, he would play this song while driving us around in his white Camaro. Its now the ring tone for John on my cell phone. I love it, makes me think of my sweetheart. 

Black - Pear Jam - ditto to previous post 

Lawdy Miss Clawdy - Elvis Presley - When My Dad was in a band when he was younger, with my Uncle Soup, and cousin Keith, they would play this at every dance. My Mom  now hates the song because they played it so much.  That story makes me laugh, so that song is the ring tone for Mom. 

Ashoken Farewell - (instrumental) - My Dad heard this song while watching a Civil War documentary, loved the song so much he learned to play it on guitar and wants it played at his funeral. Makes me sad, but I like the song. 

These are just a few, but thought I'd share. Thanks for reading.


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