
How you feel equals who-you are.And who-you are equals everything that comes to you.

Often people believe finding a mate who loves them will be the answer to everything missing in their life experience. They want to find that one person who will, in essence, complete them. And almost without exception, they want that person , right here, right now ! But because we understand the Law of Attraction as we do, we encourage them to easy up a bit on the ''right here, right now''part, for this very important reason: If you insist on choosing a mate right now,that mate will be a Vibrational Match to how you feel right now. The person who comes right now will be a match to the essence of the person you are right now. When you are feeling misunderstood or lonely or unloved, you cannot find a mate who will offer anything different to you. If you have predominantly been noticing the absence of a wonderful relationship , the presence of a wonderful relationship cannot occur. Not right now. If you are seeking a joyful relationship , you must become joyf...

News of the Knee

Well my readers, its time for an April Update. (contain yourselves)  Back in 1999, as I was getting out of the passenger side of my Ford Ranger, my right knee suddenly totally went all wonky on me and I fell. Its like my knee went sideways. Wow, that hurt. I slapped an ace bandage on that thing and called it good. I did go to the doctor and was told that I was fine, no worries.  About 8-10 years later, it happened again - wow. Pain. Again, I went to the doctor and was told that I am okay. Nothing to worry about.   Fast forward to April 24th. I had been pretty consistantly been working out on my elliptical, but thought I'd mix things up a bit and try some jumping jacks and follow it up with some of the excercises I learned to stregthen my back.  Mistake.  My knee went all wonky again, only this time, I couldn't put weight on it at all anymore, it would totally not hold me up at all.  I went to the doctor, got a knee brace, then a MRI....

Life is Flow

Life is not all bad, just as it is not all good. Life is about experience. And often our greatest experience comes from our hardest lessons. But this does not mean we should not enjoy the pleasures of this world. For they exist to ease our journey. Neither does it mean we should dwell in morbidity because all good things will end. Instead let us recognize that life is a flow. It cannot stop, speed up, slow down or reverse. Things constantly move on. Because that is evolution. It is only by the leaving of one room that we can enter the next. And if we do not progress, we cannot grow. And if we do not grow we have no purpose. So we must accept, and make the best. Some people have a tendency to resist the flow. To try to stand still. And to feel resentful when they find that all around has moved on. But trying to keep the moment is like grasping a butterfly. As your fingers close around it the fragile beauty is destroyed forever. Better to enjoy it while it settles upon your han...

Positive Thought for the day

Your inner strengths, your natural abilities and everyday skills are the gateway to a brighter future. Posted: 08 May 2012 04:12 AM PDT We are given everything we need to have the lives we want. It is within you, in your make-up, to be whoever you want to be. Maybe your mindset is driving you in such a way that you are repressing those wonderful gifts given to you as part of your creation. But I am here with GREAT news. They are there, and they are yours! All you have to do is unearth them and build something spectacular. Our talents and skills are part of our being.  In fact, each of us has a distinct set of tools that are our own.  And that’s why we were put on this planet – to share those talents and skills with the world! Turn off any self-talk that tells you that you are destined to live a small life.  You’re not. You have internal gifts (resourcefulness, energy, attitude, all sorts of positive attributes) and external gifts (food, water, nature, peopl...

Happy Star Wars Day

My husband is a huge Star Wars fan, and I guess through the process of osmosis, I am too. In fact, he has an extensive collection of Star Wars action figures, ships, etc - all in the original package that we are currently selling on Amazon. (look up riviera41797 if you're interested in buying any, we'll be listing more soon). So today (or this weekend,) will be the perfect opportunity to watch some Star Wars. I bought the blue ray edition of Star Wars for John for Christmas, which we've yet to crack open yet. I think we should watch some. Probably not tonight though however, as tonight is SUPERNATURAL. Sorry Obi-one, Chewbacca, Luke & Han, but Jensen Ackles & Misha Collins are way hotter. Have a good weekend readers. -April-

Love What You Have

Love what you have. We live in a disposable society. We buy things, use them and then throw them away. Our landfills continue to grow, despite no one wanting garbage in their own back yard. Meanwhile, debt is also growing.  People continue to spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need. We need to come back to reality.  We need to focus on growth in our bank accounts, not on growth in the landfills and growth in our debt. So what’s the solution? How can people grow their savings, while shrinking their garbage and depleting their debt? Love is the answer. We need to learn to appreciate what we already have.  We need to love what we have. If you love what you have, you don’t feel the need for more.  If you love what you have, you can easily say no when you’re bombarded with 3000 marketing messages to buy each day (as estimated by Doug Hall at ).  If you love what you have, you’re not going to throw something out once it gets a ...

Anything is Possible

Anything is possible. If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, IT IS NOW. Not for any grand cause, necessarily. . . but for something that tugs at your heart, something that's your inspiration, something that's your dream. You owe it to yourself to make your days here count. HAVE FUN. DIG DEEP. STRETCH. DREAM BIG. Know, though, that things worth doing seldom come easy. There will be good days. And there will be bad days. There will be times when you want to turn around, pack it up, and call it quits. Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid to learn by trying. PERSIST. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things. Let your instincts, your intellect, and your heart, guide you. TRUST. Believe in the incredible power of the human mind. Of doing something that makes a difference. Of working hard. Of laughing and hoping. Of lazy afternoons. Of las...