Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Day 2021


How has your spring been going so far? Weather has been perfect, and I was finally able to get some gardening done. John took me flower shopping, and everything we bought was purple. I’m going to need more, but it’s going to have to wait until next weekend. One thing I got done was to sort of pretty up the view from my office, and have succeeded, but still a few things left I want to do. 

My job is going good, I’m still happy there, and am looking forward to learning more and getting better at things. Working from home is an absolute dream come true. I take about 90-120 calls a day. 

My two kitties have grown up and are a year old, got them both fixed. I’m not exaggerating when I say they follow me everywhere. I love their personalities.

We got a new avaiary, and successfully transferred all 38 of them from their previous home to the new one. I love it. 

Take care,

April Osbourne 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

New job


I’m delighted to report that I have found a fantastic new job. I can’t say enough about the integrity, kindness, compassion, and patience I’ve experienced in the last 2 months. 

This is a work from home position, they provided the computer equipment, all the interview processes was done virtually. Honestly, it’s a prayer answered. I have a great home office set up downstairs, with a window facing my front yard.

Interestingly, as soon as I left my previous place of employment, all of my Crohns symptoms vanished, and have not returned. Success with Stelara? Or no longer being in a stressful toxic environment daily?

You can draw your own conclusions. 

Happy Spring!

Completed Purple Slurp

(Other than the stereo, it’s done!)

Friday, January 15, 2021

Oranges and Spiders, featuring Kim Roeker

My BFF Kim went to Florida again recently, (staying with the same friend of hers, with Lane) 

Here is our conversation via text the day she was coming home: 

Kim:  I got you something!

Me: Woohoo! Is it a shot glass?

Kim: No. But I can get you that too

Me: (laughing emoji)

Kim: Ohh, look at what we got at the orange place

(inserted bunch of pictures of bags of oranges)

Me: got oranges at the orange place?

Kim: LOL, Yup

Me: Wheeee! Living it up! Orang-a-vwee is orange in Russian

Kim: Look at that spider

Me: NO

Kim: It's cute. On the orange

Me: No spider anywhere is cute

Kim: Did you see the video?

Me: Of the orange?

Kim: Yes

Me: Are you filming oranges?? (laughing emoji)

Kim: Just watch it

Me: I'm dying with laughter here...ok ok. 

Its gross and creepy

Kim: I brought the orange up to the desk and asked the girl what kind of spider is this?

Me: No spider orange juice for me.  Please tell me you didn't buy me a spider.

Kim: She thought I was asking about the orange until she saw the spider. Grabbed her chest and 
stepped back. 

Me: I'd do that

Kim: OMG she said, that's a crab spider

Kim: Then it jumped off my hand

Me: Did she scream and run away?(shudder)

Kim: LOL

Vehicles of Osbourne

 I am going to give you a brief overview of the vehicles my husband John and I own. (in no specific order) 2002 Pontiac Trans Am Firehawk - ...