This & That....

Greetings & Salutations!

Hope you guys all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

John and I drove to Mom and Dad's in Brainerd, where we were lucky enough to spend time with some of my awesome family. I am very thankful to have been blessed with a very large extended family.

Mom and Dad are leaving for Arizona next Wednesday the 28th. They will be gone until May of next year. While I am going to miss them terribly, I know that they have a great time when they are there, and are busy nearly every day. Plus, we can chat on Skype or on our cellphones. We're all on Verizon, so its a free call - sort of. :)

I finally took the leap and began looking into refinancing our house. I saw so many homes be forclosed on in the last few years, it was scary to me to even fathom taking a chance, however the interest rates were too good to ignore.

Glad I did. If all goes through as planned we'll be saving a ton of money in interest alone, not to mention monthly payments. Didn't have to start over at 30 years, we're doing 20, and no apprasial, as we're under water.

Simple pleasure of the day:

I love sitting, drinking coffee and watching my birds. I have 4 Lady Gouldian Finches, and 2 Shafttail Finches. Unlike other birds people keep as pets, these guys are not loud and screetchy, they softly chirp and the males will occasionally sing to the females. They're gorgeous. They're also known as "Rainbow Finches" because their colors are just stunning. They're also not the type of bird you need to handle. They're happy in their own little world. I love them. :)

Take care friends,


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