Tuesday, April 5, 2016

John Sabbath Osbourne, my love

​Hello Land of Osbourne readers, 

I'd like to take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is the love of my life, my soulmate, my kindred spirit, my very best friend, my husband, John. 

What prompted me to do this?

This morning, I texted him to see if he wanted to meet me for coffee at lunch. (I work 3 miles away from him, I can pick whatever time I go to lunch). There is a coffee shop across the road from Aaron Carlson where he works called: Diamonds. He texted me back the following: "Ok, I can't wait. I love you so much". 


Amazing right? Been with this guy since I was 19 years old. our 19th wedding anniversary is quickly approaching. I ask him to have coffee, he says  he can't wait. We ride share. We're together almost all the time, yet he still gets excited to see me. 

That, my friends, is true love. 

Being married to me, I'd imagine is difficult. (though you'd never know it from his perspective). I have anxiety, panic, and depression issues. Severe. I also have Crohn's disease and from time to time a myriad of other issues, yet he doesn't complain, but is here for me in every way, 150%. 

He's my friend, my love, psychologist, plumber, car mechanic, handy man, ​financial supporter, simply put, he's my all. 

Thank you John Osbourne, for being you, for being my love, and for not caring that I had a boyfriend when I met you. 

John quote: "I wasn't going to let a boyfriend get in my way of getting to date you"

Best thing in the WORLD that ever happened to me. 

Can't wait for April 17th!

Friday, March 18, 2016


May We Meet Again

In peace may you leave this shore,

In love you may find the next,

Safe passage in your travels,

Until your final journey on the ground,

May we meet again.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Happy Ever After

It's a short walk down the aisle 
To a life filled with laughter
A short walk down the aisle 
To a "happy ever after" 
 It's a short walk down the aisle 
To those long years together 
A short walk down the aisle 
To a lifetime of forever 
 Two little words softly spoken 
Starts your life anew 
It's a short walk down the aisle 
Till you have to say "I do"
 It's a short walk down the aisle
To a life filled with laughter 
A short walk down the aisle 
To a "happy ever after"

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Everyone feels things differently. Everyone processes events, situations, and interactions in their own unique way. 

Just because you don't think that you would react if you were in the same or similar situation doesn't make how I react or feel any less wrong or more right. 

I am at a place in my life right now, where I am rebuilding my self from the inside that was so shattered by loved ones. I no longer have room for negativity or narcissism or anyone with less than honorable intentions. 

I'm also done looking backwards and am trying to concentrate on looking forward.

I'm so very happy, content, and blessed to be where I am in my life. Of course there are some things that I wish were different or wish I could change, but that's life isn't it?

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Osbourne Update

Greetings Land of Osbourne readers! 

I realize its been a while since I did a real live update, not a meme, or uplifting words. So here we go. 

Lets start with my (step)son Johnathan. He moved with his Mom to a teeny town in Wisconsin and with no promising employment options, he decided to enlist in the United States Army. So proud! I spoke to him recently, he is about 2 weeks away from leaving for basic training. Way to go kiddo!  

Had a wonderful Christmas and birthday. Low key, quiet, just the way I like it. John likes to try and get me every single thing on my "list", so this year, he did the same. Spoiled? Me? (wink)

I recently sprained my left ankle. John and I had just gotten home from doing the grocery shopping, and he had said that he'd take the garbage out after we were done putting stuff away. Me, trying (in vain, it seems) to be helpful, decided to take the garbage out while he worked on putting stuff away. As I went down the front staircase at home, I missed the last step to the landing, and fell, spraining my ankle. I haven't seen John move that fast since I passed out in Cub Foods years ago at the onset of my Crohns. He vaulted himself over the banister, and was at my side in what seemed like seconds. (probably making sure I didn't fall and break my neck).  My ankle is much better. I have an air cast, and every day it gets easier to walk. 

This upcoming weekend is the 125th anniversary party at Aaron Carlson. They're holding an event at the Mall of America on Saturday, so we're looking forward to going to that. 

Monday, John and I have tickets to the final Black Sabbath tour, 17th row, on the for in front of the stage. I got these (very expensive) tickets for John's birthday in October when they went on sale.  Thinking ahead, I requested Monday and Tuesday off work.  

Speaking of work - all good for both of us Osbournes, no complaints! :) 

My Boston Terrier Ozzy has skin allergies, and we've had a heck of a time getting things under control. We've determined it must be something he eats that he is allergic to, because his skin is itchy year round, not just when he has access to grass, etc in the back yard. We've narrowed it down to probably beef, so we try to avoid beef ingredients when possible, and were using coconut oil on his skin and ears. Stopped at the vet, they gave me an antibiotic/anti fungal spray to use on him in addition to the fish oil and claratin I give him daily - its like a miracle combination! He has no more itchys now and is a very happy boy!  

Hope you are all doing well, take care! 

April Osbourne

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Anxiety and Crohns

EXPERT RESPONSE: "Anxiety and psychological distress is common in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis. 

Psychological evaluation and support by trained experts is highly recommended. It is frequently difficult to discern whether the disease and flares bring about the psychological distress, or if periods of emotional stress can induce disease flares. 

There is intense communication between our brain and our intestines, frequently related to as the gut-brain axis. Therefore, it is possible for gut inflammation/stress to induce anxiety, and vice-versa." 

Have more questions? Email them to the IBD Help Center at info@ccfa.org or call 888-694-8872.

Depression PSA

depression does not vanish just because your life is technically ‘going well’

depression does not vanish just because good things are happening to/around you

depression does not vanish just because you’re surrounded by people who love you

depression is an unconditional illness that comes and goes as it pleases, regardless of what might be happening in your life

Thursday, December 3, 2015

My husband, my love.

He was there for me when no one else was; 

He gave me hope when I needed it most; 

He loved me when no one else would. 

He’s not anyone I want to disappear from my life. 

I am a better person because of him.

He is in by no means perfect, and that's okay, because really, who is?

Under that tough guy, swearing, tattooed, biker is a fantastic man.

I am thankful for him every day.


Monday, November 9, 2015

There is a big difference between giving up and letting go.

There is a big difference between giving up and letting go. Letting go means freeing yourself from something that is no longer serving you. 

It means removing toxic people and belief systems from your life so that you can make room for relationships and ideas that are conducive to your well being and happiness.

Giving up reduces your life. Letting go expands it. Giving up is imprisoning. Letting go is liberation. Giving up is self-defeat. 

Letting go is self-care.So the next time you make the decision to release something or someone that is stifling your happiness and growth, and a person has the audacity to accuse you of giving up or being weak, remind yourself of the difference.

Remind yourself that you don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to live your life in the way that feels right. No one has the authority to tell you who to be or how to live.
~Daniell Koepke

Sunday, November 8, 2015


“You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering, that’s the sad truth. Maybe they’ll break your heart, maybe you’ll break their heart and never be able to look at yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. That’s the burden. 
Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our back, but they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens that allow us to fly.”
Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Wanna hear about my crappy morning?

Wanna hear about my crappy morning? 

So, John and I are driving down Central Avenue in North East Minneapolis, and are stopped by a train at 37th & Central. 

Okay, no biggie. 

But....the train isn't moving. 

At all. 

There is a semi to the right of us, the median on the left, car in front of us, truck behind us. 

We can't move. 

We sit in this position for AN HOUR. 

The train never moved an inch. Finally, The car in front of us and the semi beside us moved, so we were able to turn around and seek alternate routes. Whew. 

ding....ding....ding.....low tire pressure alert 



Pull in to a gas station, put in 4 quarters to get air for the ailing front tire. Air machine doesn't work. 

We drive a mile down the road to another gas station, and after driving in a circle in their lot, they don't have air. 

Drive another mile down the road and finally fill the tire. 

Neither John or I are in a good mood by this point, but at least I can say I made it to work. 

Did I mention I am really glad its friday? 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ten Thoughts to Help You Avoid Discouragement.

1.  Look at life as a journey and enjoy the ride.  Get the most out of the detours and realize they're sometimes necessary.
2.  Do your best, but if what you're doing has caused you discouragement, try a different approach.  Be passionate about the process, but don't be so attached to the outcome.
3.  Wish the best for everyone, with no personal strings attached.  Applaud someone else's win as much as you would your own.
4.  Trust that there's a divine plan, that we don't always know what's best for us.  A disappointment now could mean a victory later, so don't be disappointed.  There is usually a reason.
5.  Ask no more of yourself than the best that you can do, and be satisfied with that.  Be compassionate towards yourself as well as others.  Know your calling, your gift, and do it well.
6.  Don't worry about something after it's done; it's out of your hands then, too late, over!  Learn the lesson and move on.
7.  Have the attitude that no one, except you, owes you anything.  Give without expecting a thank-you in return.  But when someone does something for you, be appreciative of even the smallest gesture.
8.  Choose your thoughts or your thoughts will choose you; they will free you or keep you bound.  Educate your spirit and give it authority over your feelings.

9.  Judge no one, and disappointment and forgiveness won't be an issue.  No one can let you down if you're not leaning on them.  People can't hurt you unless you allow them to.

10.  Love anyway. . . for no reason. . . and give. . . just because.

Donna Fargo

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Your Time is Coming Soon

I know sometimes you feel like giving up. 
Every new day there’s seems to be no change in your life. 
All the troubles of your heart and worries keep on worsening! 
You wonder why everything is happening to you. 
You keep on asking yourself why you’re not lucky like other people. 
You keep on praying to God but so far He hasn’t answered your prayers. 
Now you have started losing hope. 
You now think that maybe you were meant to be like that or maybe somebody cursed you.
But I tell you what my friend?
You weren’t meant to be like that and you weren’t cursed. 
God is silent but He watches you day and night. 
He listens to your prayers and He has something special for you. 
Just stay strong, focused, and hardworking and keep praying to God. 
Bear it in your minds that you’re not alone in that hard situation, we are all in the same boat. 
So don’t give up my dear friend. 
Your time is coming soon.


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Lend me a pup

I will lend to you for awhile a puppy, God said,
For you to love him while he lives
and to mourn for him when he is gone.
Maybe for 12 or 14 years, or maybe for 2 or 3
But will you, till I call him back
take care of him for me?

He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and
(should his stay be brief)
you’ll always have his memories
as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise that he will stay
since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught below
I want this pup to learn.

I’ve looked the whole world over
in search of teachers true,
And from the fold that crowd life’s land
I have chosen you.
Now will you give him all your love
Nor think the labor vain,
nor hate me when I come to take
my pup back again?

I fancied that I heard them say,
“Dear Lord, They Will Be Done,”
For all the joys this pup will bring
the risk of grief you’ll run.
Will you shelter him with tenderness,
Will you love him while you may?
And for the happiness you’ll know
forever grateful stay?

But should I call him back
much sooner than you’ve planned,
please brave the bitter grief that comes
and try to understand.
If, by your love, you’ve managed
my wishes to achieve,
In memory of him that you’ve loved,
cherish every moment with your faithful bundle,
and know he loved you too.

~Author Unknown

Friday, September 11, 2015

The Osbourne Family Stick Lamp

So, John and I moved in to our 1st apartment together in October of 1995. Around that time frame, we also bought our first set of furniture together. The one piece of furniture we still own, is this stick lamp. 

We bought it at Home Depot for $14.95. We have changed the bulb in it once since we've owned it. Wednesday this week, the bulb burned out again. 

Now if you think about it, 2 bulbs since 1995 isn't bad. 

Here is how the conversation went when it blew out: 

April: Hey....John the stick lamp isn't working!

John: What?? (he hurries to the living room to inspect it)

April: See? (clicks it on and off)

John: Well, its probably the bulb. We changed it once before...remember? 

April: (Blank look) ....yeah

John: To be honest, I'm ready for a new living room lamp. 

April: John, we've had this lamp since we moved in together in 1995. We aren't getting rid of Sticky. (just named it that second)

John: (Hesitates)  Well, we could get a cool new living room lamp and then Sticky can go in my man cave. 

I'll be sure and update you all on the outcome of getting a new bulb for "Sticky", as I am sure you're all out there, dying to know how this story ends. 

Long live Sticky the stick lamp!

Vehicles of Osbourne

 I am going to give you a brief overview of the vehicles my husband John and I own. (in no specific order) 2002 Pontiac Trans Am Firehawk - ...