Well friends, Many of you know John was laid off around Memorial Day, and thankfully, he is getting unemployment, which is a LIFESAVER. He is in sort of a specialized field, which depends on the construction industry. (He is a finisher/industrial sprayer). He has been officially called back to work around the 2-3rd week in September. Meanwhile, I've maxed out my line of credit with Wells Fargo (except for 300 bucks as a emergency cusion); my truck needs a repair that, THANK GOD my Uncle can take care of, instead of having to go the garage; every week when payday rolls around, I am hoping for an extra few bucks so John and I can go out on a date or do something, but usually wind up with JUST enough, to tide us over until next payday. The Minnesota State Fair is starting and I'd give anything to go, I want a pronto pup, some cheese curds, some mini doughnuts, maybe some other crap food on a stick. No funds for it this year. Because I have Crohn's disease, I have t...