Friday, January 15, 2021

Oranges and Spiders, featuring Kim Roeker

My BFF Kim went to Florida again recently, (staying with the same friend of hers, with Lane) 

Here is our conversation via text the day she was coming home: 

Kim:  I got you something!

Me: Woohoo! Is it a shot glass?

Kim: No. But I can get you that too

Me: (laughing emoji)

Kim: Ohh, look at what we got at the orange place

(inserted bunch of pictures of bags of oranges)

Me: got oranges at the orange place?

Kim: LOL, Yup

Me: Wheeee! Living it up! Orang-a-vwee is orange in Russian

Kim: Look at that spider

Me: NO

Kim: It's cute. On the orange

Me: No spider anywhere is cute

Kim: Did you see the video?

Me: Of the orange?

Kim: Yes

Me: Are you filming oranges?? (laughing emoji)

Kim: Just watch it

Me: I'm dying with laughter here...ok ok. 

Its gross and creepy

Kim: I brought the orange up to the desk and asked the girl what kind of spider is this?

Me: No spider orange juice for me.  Please tell me you didn't buy me a spider.

Kim: She thought I was asking about the orange until she saw the spider. Grabbed her chest and 
stepped back. 

Me: I'd do that

Kim: OMG she said, that's a crab spider

Kim: Then it jumped off my hand

Me: Did she scream and run away?(shudder)

Kim: LOL

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Birthday Rachel Gonsior Stella Attia

 For your birthday today Rachel, I sincerely hope that you get exactly what you deserve. 

Rest assured dear one, you’ll get it eventually.


Monday, November 23, 2020

Winter 2020 update


I realize its been a bit since I've posted an update, however the world sucks right now, and I simply didn't have the urge to type up an update. 

I am no longer employed with Hunter Douglas as of June - they closed the location I worked from and did not offer a stay at home option. 

When I was first let go, I honestly thought that me finding a new job wouldn't be that bad.  With COVID + Crohn's Disease though, it changed the landscape of the jobs I wanted to apply for. 

I am primarily focusing on work from home employment, for obvious reasons. I've noticed the pay typically sucks, but I haven't given up yet. 

I just signed up for  "MNSURE" health insurance, so fingers crossed that it is adequate enough to cover things, until with any luck the US Government can get their head of their ass and get the US some universal coverage...

John and I adopted 2 kittens from a gal in town. Originally I was only going to adopt one, Maverick, but the gal we got them from said they're very very bonded (true!), and would we consider taking both? Sure! So far, its gone great, no major issues. They both get "fixed" December 4th. 

In other news, John bought me a 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix - and get this - its PURPLE!

We got it cheap, and the miles it has is 100,000, which is less than the car I am driving has. John did a TON of work on it to get it to a place where he was happy. 

Hope all is well with anyone reading this, say a few positive words or prayer that employment finds its way to me. 


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Change of Habit

 If you're in old habits

Set in your old ways
Changes are a-comin'
For these are changing days
And if your head is in the sand
While things are goin' on
What you need, what you need,
What you need is a change of habit
Now if you're in the habit
To let your temper fly
When you talk with people
Who don't see eye to eye
And if you don't believe it
There's a newer world ahead
What you need, what you need,
What you need is a change of habit
A change of habit, a change of outlook
A change of heart, you'll be all right
The halls of darkness
Have doors that open
It's never too late
To see the light
So if you're in the habit
Of putting people down
Just because they're different
From the wrong side of town
Well, don't count on any medals son
They're pinning none on you
What you need, what you need,
What you need is a change of habit

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Stella Attia Rachel Gonsior...or whatever you’re calling yourself this week

 Rachel....or whatever 

I am posting this on my blog to clear a few things up, on the off chance you stumble this way and read it.  

I know what happens when I email you.   

First and foremost, you need to know that I will never forgive you.  Nothing you say or do will ever change that. Additionally, although you're my sister biologically, not only do I not recognize you as such, and never will, I also no longer feel any sort of kind or loving emotion towards you at all.  

That will also never change. 

You know, and I know that Bernie GAVE me Susie's wedding ring. 
He didn't give it to you, he gave it to me.  
I know the EXACT date he gave it to me, the occasion and why he gave it to me. 

In the past, I've asked you to return it to me. You vehemently refused numerous times and finally said that if I gave you "Mike's File" back, you'd give me the ring back.  I sent the file to Mom. YEARS AGO. 

You recall the email you sent me: 

"If I pawned it why do I have it stupid selfish bitch your informants are pieces of shit just like u!" 

This email included a picture of said ring and a receipt with the date and time. 

(does this qualify as evidence of you owning stolen property? 🤔)  and I still have that email. (dated Monday August 19th 2013 3:58pm) 

Of course knowing you and your core personality, I do realize that there is a very good chance I will never see it again. 

(How sad is it that Mom has asked you numerous times to return it?  Nicely done Rachel)

I have accepted this situation in its entirety.   

John has not. Nor will he ever. He will NEVER let this go.  This is not a threat, its simply the truth. 

Evidently, you're incapable of seeing the damage you've done over this. (I wonder....was it worth it Rachel?)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Our toys


The car on the left, AKA Clarke is the 2000 Chevrolet Camaro that John bought for me after selling his Harley Davidson.

The car on the right is our 2002 Pontiac Trans Am Firehawk, (8,000 miles on it!) 

This car:

Is our 1993 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 DRM 450       AKA Christine 
This is a Doug Rippie tuner car, modified by Doug Rippie Motorsports

We’re having it sent out today to have a new gas tank and exhaust installed. We haven’t driven it for a few years. Less than 60,000 miles, engine rebuilt has about 30,000 I think?

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Land of Osbourne NEWS

Well readers, 

Within the next few days, I will no longer be employed by Hunter Douglas. 

On May 12th, it was decided to close the Roseville and Chicago locations of Hunter Douglas.

June 1st, myself and my 2 employees began the difficult job of clearing out the office.  

I'm sad to be forced to leave this position, as I've been in this industry since January of 1999.  First Steven Fabrics, then Warren Steven, then HD came in and I wound up here. 

Fingers crossed I can find something that will make me happy. 

In other news, John and I adopted 2 kittens from a gal in Cambridge.  One looks like a tabby/bengal mix, the other is mostly white with a few tabby markings.  Originally, we were just going to adopt the tabby we named Maverick (looks like he has a giant M on his forehead).  The gal we got them from asked if we'd consider adopting his brother, Marshall too, as the two were very bonded.  Sure why not.  

Welcome Maverick and Marshall toLand of Osbourne! 


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Oh Ick

Growing up, both of my parents were full time workers.  My Dad worked at the Twin Cities Ford Plant, and my Mom worked for GNB Batteries.  From time to time, Mom needed to go on business trips. 

When that happened, Dad would cook. (I'd imagine you can see where I am going with this) 

Dad wasn't really the greatest cook, and as such, my sister and I both knew that if Mom was going out of town, that meant Dad was going to cook.  And if Dad was going to cook, that meant only one thing.  Oh Ick. 

Oh Ick is one of Dad's favorite meals (I really can't conceive of why), Oh Ick consists of overcooked elbow macaroni and tomato soup. I am not exaggerating when I say we would CRY if he made it because we both hated it so much, which is where the name, "Oh Ick" came from. 

Oh Ick has evolved somewhat over the years, and has now become a staple at family gatherings, to the point that when handing out pot luck assignments, someone always gets "Oh Ick" however its much more palatable now than it was previously.  

From time to time, a cousin will post online what they're bringing for such and so event, and you can always count on Oh Ick making the list. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Music is Magic

​For some people, music isn't a huge part of their lives. At the most they'll listen to the radio in the car, or when the alarm clock goes off, but really no more than that.  For me however, music is a huge part of my life, and I think it stems from my upbringing and what I was exposed to from an early age. 

My Dad was in a band when he was younger with some cousins, they had a group called "Dukes of Earl".  My Dad's cousin was the lead singer, who as it happens is a huge Elvis Presley fan as I am. Dad plays the guitar, banjo, drums and piano.  I played piano, so did Mom.  When I heard or discovered a song I really liked, typically I'd go and get the sheet music so I could learn it on the piano. 

Music accompanies my life daily.  Monday - Friday at work, when I am working on an order entry project, I love having my music playlist keeping me company.  On the weekend, when its housework time, I can't do it without music.  When I am playing with my ipad, playing a game or whatever, if the TV isn't on, I have music playing. My husband and I ride share, and we have an hour commute. We both have a diverse taste in music, so we almost always have music on. 

There really isn't a genre of music I dislike, but I will admit to not being a HUGE country fan, but some I do like. ​

​When I am sad, anxious or upset music will nearly always pull me out of whatever issue I am dealing with mentally. 

I'm sure you've surmised by now if you've read this blog,, that I am a huge Elvis Presley fan.  I also however enjoy many other genres - metal, rock, pop, classical, alternative, blues, jazz and oldies to name a few. 

Are you a music fan?

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Joy's of Owning a Fish Tank

Since I was a teenager I have almost always had some sort of aquarium or fish tank.  When I lived at home, I had one in my bedroom, then later moved it out to the kitchen.  

When John and I moved into our first apartment together, I brought my aquarium with me, and had one at nearly each of the locations we lived thereafter.  

Fast forward to our current residence.  

I again had a large aquarium and stand (that was given to us for free), and decided to set it up with fish, as its been a while since I've had a set up. Initially, I wanted fancy goldfish, mostly because they're easy to care for, you don't need a heater because they're cold water fish, they're not expensive and they're pretty.  A friend of mine reminded me that goldfish are always looking for food, and will constantly disrupt the gravel making a mess.  Okay, so I reluctantly went the tropical fish route.  

I chose lots of little fish, tiger barbs, etc, and John wanted to pick a fish or two also, so he chose a tiny little Oscar. (uh-oh). 

Loved the set up we had, and wow, did that Oscar grow fast!  Some of the fish I had in my tank I referred to as "Fishing Lure" fish, due to the fact they were little, shiny and resembled a fishing lure.  

One day we came home from work, and I was looking at my fish, and huh...seemed like there was a fish missing...maybe I'm wrong, or maybe he's hiding.  Whatever.  

Few days later, I am again admiring my fish and upon closer inspection, another fishing lure fish was missing. I checked the floor around the aquarium, to make sure there were no jumpers...nope.  I checked the filter, in case he got sucked into it. Nope. Weird. 

THEN I looked a little closer at my Oscar, it looked like there was something stuck in his mouth...OMG. What I was seeing in the Oscar's mouth was the tail of one of my fishing lure fish! DAMMIT!! 

Ok, so our plan of attack was to try and get larger fishing lure fish and feed the oscar more.  

By the end of the year, all my fishing lure fish were gone, and all I had in the tank was one super large (FAT) oscar, a algae sucker guy, and another white oscar. 

Eventually, I gave the oscars and the algae sucker fish away on craigslist for free and got rid of the fish set up. 

The only fish I have now is a little blue betta in a fish bowl. 

While I'd love to have another aquarium set up, my avaiary really takes up a lot of my time and money, so am going to forgo fish for birds, but I do miss the cute little swimmy fishing lure fish. The oscar? Not so much. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Story of the Escaped Boa Constrictor

Before my husband and I moved into our first house (townhouse actually), we lived in an apartment in Blaine.  

One day, we came across the startling revelation that our baby rainbow boa constrictor had escaped her aquarium. (insert extreme panic here) 

We did a cursory search, and found nothing. 

More panic. 

Then, I sat down on the floor in front of where her aquarium was, and closed my eyes, and tried to "think like a snake".  If I were a snake, on the lam, where would I go first upon aquarium escape?  I looked around the room, and about 2' from where the aquarium was, is a heat vent along the baseboard of the wall. Hmm. Right by the corner where the two walls meet, was small opening, between the wall where the heat vent / pipe thing was.  Bingo.  If I were a snake, that would be the first place I'd go.  I got a flashlight and sure enough. There she was. (well shit)

Prior to this discovery, we were getting ready to go to my parents lakeshore home, where they were hosting a party. Halt in plans. 

So, we went to a pet store, and got a live "fuzzy" baby mouse, the though being we'll lure the snake out with a yummy fuzzy live baby mouse.  It took several hours, but through lots of waiting, and very still watching, the snake slowly came out of the wall to grab the fuzzy snack.  John got her, and she was safely put back in her aquarium.  Holy crap that could have ended badly.  Never assume the lid is secure on the snake cage lid unless you are 100% positive. 

We currently have 3 pythons at home, and all 3 of their aquariums have LOTS of weight on the tops of their aquairums. 

Lesson learned!

Thursday, December 12, 2019


So, I was talking to Kim, and mentioned that yesterday I had a cup of Aveda Comforting Tea and that it was great, I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it, as I hadn't had it in a while. 

Kim then asks me if she has given me a teapot yet ...

(yet? is this some sort of friendship thing that happens between friends after a while? you give teapots to each other? began to wonder if I'd missed some milestone or something)

I said no, I am a teapot free gal. Then she goes on to describe the 3 (yes 3) teapots that she has and went over the features and benefits of each, I was impressed, she could have sold a teapot to the Keurig peeps I was so impressed with her passion.

I then asked her if it the teapot was short and stout?

Kim responded: "No, its tall and handsome"

Well damn! 

I'm gonna get me a tall handsome teapot. Nice. 

(will it look like David Boreanaz? Jensen Ackles? Luke Perry? Elvis Presley?) 

Love ya Kimber!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Political stuff

So, I normally don't post about political stuff on my blog, but I just gotta get this off my chest. 

Okay, here's the thing.  No one is going to agree on who is better or why. 
Everyone is going to have their own opinion, and really, don't we all know that?  I mean, its not a radical concept is it? 

So why do we have to shit all over each other for differing opinions? Can't we just support who we want to support, and may the best candidate win?  Does it really have any effect on the election if we are assholes to each other? NO!

Believe what you want to believe, and let others do the same.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Last year at this time, it was days away from me getting the news that my Ozzy had cancer.  

My previous Boston Terrier, Katie, lived to be 13.  I assumed that I'd have at least that much time with Ozzy.  I lost my Ozzy 3 days after his 7th birthday. I feel I was cheated and didn't get a fair amount of time with him. 

I still think of him not only daily, but more often.  

Would John and I like another dog? Yes and no, for a variety of reasons, and this is going to sound absolutely childish, but if I can't have my Ozzy, I don't want another dog. I want Ozzy. 

We didn't put up the Christmas tree this year, and we are not exchanging gifts. Partially because money is tight (thanks to the new hot water heater), and partially because without Ozzy, it feels pointless. 

We did get some nice gifts for my in laws, and I pleased about that....

Friday, November 15, 2019

November Osbourne Update

Greetings & Salutations! (anyone know which movie that particular greeting comes from?)

Recently, we've had some rodent issues in the lower level of our house.  We initially discovered it because we have a series of cameras in our home that are triggered by motion.  One morning I was checking the alerts for the camera, and there was a few around 1:30am in our downstairs. Ok. I clicked on the video and damn was I surprised to see a mouse literally RIGHT in front of the camera.  Another time I was using the downstairs bathroom, and I happen to glance to the left to the hallway and saw a mouse run by.  Ok. Yep. Its time to get some traps.

We got a bunch of sticky traps and traditional mouse traps and this week we've killed 6. SIX!! Funny, John inspected each kill and determined they were 3 different species of mouse. The other day he was taking a sticky trap with 2 mice on it outside to the trash, and the second the cold air hit the mice, they both started to wiggle.  I would have dropped it an ran. LOL

I'm getting close to borrowing one of my BFF Kim's 4 cats.

Our hot water heater kicked the bucket, so that was a delightful unexpected expense.  The last item in our house that needs replacement is our furnace, that came with the house when it was built in 1996.

As far as work goes, I'll quote Kevin Arnolds Dad from the TV show "The Wonder Years" :

Work is work.

Friday, August 23, 2019

This is for Ozzy -

Take your memory with you when you go

So I wont have to think about
The lonely nights I'll be without
Someone to hold me when the cold wind blows

Take your memory with you when you go 

Walk the floor and wonder what went wrong
Try to find a way to carry on
But don't you leave before the heartache starts to show

Take your memory with you when you go 

So I wont have to think about
The lonely nights I'll be without
Someone to hold me when the cold wind blows

Take your memory with you
So I won't have to miss you
Take your memory with you when you go 

John Sabbath Osbourne = King of the Husbands

So, John and I rideshare to work, since I work in Roseville, MN and he works just outside of downtown Saint Paul.  

We were about 20 minutes into our drive, (I was half asleep), and he suddenly exclaims "SHIT!" 

I was instantly more awake, thinking there was some crisis, and I'm like "What??"

He says: "I forgot my cell phone at home"

I was a little surprised at his irritation, as its not like uses it for his job, and before I could respond, he said in a defeated tone, and sighed: "Now I can't text you and tell you I love you today" 

I melted on the spot. 

King of the Husbands folks. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I'll Take Love

Some people think that pot of gold

Is all they ever want to hold

But there's a treasure, I think more of

Measure for measure .. I'll take love

Some people think that their success

Is all they need for happiness

But there's a pleasure, I think more of

Measure for measure .. I'll take love

Pound for pound oh yeah and

Ounce for ounce love is all that really counts

So let them have their wealth and fame

Eat caviar and drink champagne

You're all the treasure I'm dreaming of

Measure for measure .. I'll take love

Thursday, August 8, 2019

my step-son Johnathan

When my step-son Johnathan was a little boy, I'd often take him and my niece Kathryn to my parents home for the weekend. 

While in Brainerd, MN where my parents have a lakeshore home, we'd quite often make our way to the local coffee shop called "The Cocoa Moon".  Usually, when you bring a kid to a coffee shop, they typically order something along the lines of hot chocolate.  

Johnathan was looking at the menu and decided he wanted a Cappuchino. My Mom and I exchanged looks, and I asked Johnathan if he was sure that is what he wanted, he assured us that is what he wanted, he has had it before. Mom and I again exchanged doubtful looks, but ordered what he wanted.  

Ok, so we're all sitting down, drinking our coffee.  Johnathan takes a sip of his, and declares: "I need to get some more sugar for mine"....okay -  he gets up and gets a few packets of sugar and pours it into his drink and mixes it up.  Few minutes later, he gets up and says he needs a little more.   This happened about 5 times.  I figured there was at least 2 inches of sugar at the bottom of the cup by the time he was done.

As we were leaving, he tossed his coffee and stated that they must make coffee different there.  

I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to give a 10 year old kid espresso and lots of sugar, but I guess hindsite is 20/20

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


When I was a little girl, my parents paid for me to have piano lessons. From early elementary school to around the time I met John, I took lessons. 

Certain songs I really enjoyed playing, and memorized.  Anytime I hear those songs, my fingers still remember (mostly) just what to do. Surprisingly, it even causes me to long to play a piano, although I do not own one. 

I've tried playing eletronic keyboards in the past, and I feel sort of dumb for saying this, but the keys feel different. I mean, sure, the skillset is still there but its somehow not as enjoyable...or something than playing on a normal piano.  

I remember the type of Piano it was, it was a Whitney Kimball.  If the day ever comes where I have the time and inclination, I'd like to pick up playing again.  
I was pleasantly surprised how man free piano's are available on craigslist!

The songs I memorized that I really liked to play are: 
Music Box Dancer
You're A Grand Old Flag 
You Are My Sunshine 

I also ​picked up the simple sheet music for "My Heart Will Go On" and taught myself that one on my own before finally giving up on playing.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

the irritation of having an incurable disease

​So, the other day, John asked me what would happen if I stopped taking the medication I take (the list is irritatingly significant). I gave it some thought and answered him, but it got me thinking...about how close I could come to kicking the bucket without them, and its quite startling. ​

So here we go: 

Immuran - Crohn's Disease immune system suppressant
Humira - Crohn's Disease shutter offer (for lack of a better description)
Metropolol - blood pressure
Omeprozole - acid reflux

now here is the fun ones:

Seroquil - depression/anxiety/panic
Zoloft - depression/anxiety/panic
Wellbutrin - depression/anxiety/panic
Xanax - self explanatory 

So, the first drug that is going to wear off (and I know this because I've missed a day taking it) will be Omeprozole. Acid reflux will come roaring back - really painful. I'd have to eat a constant stream of antacids for minimal comfort

Second drug that is going to wear off is the blood pressure one, Metropolol
Next will be the anti-depressants, and that is where EVERYTHING will make me sad, to the point I am crying over anything and everything. Then I'll begin to have extreme anxiety and panic, functioning will become difficult.  At one point, a doctor I was seeing tried to change the anti-depressants I was taking, so I KNOW this is what is going to happen, because I've done it already.

Finally, the Crohn's drugs.  Not hard to imagine at this point, as now is not a good time for me with Crohn's.  No appetite, non-stop diarrhea (think 10+ times a day), which will eventually lead to nutritional deficiencies, and dehydration, progressively getting worse. 

Then at some point down the road from this, my body won't be able to handle all this anymore and shut down.  

Doesn't that sound horrible? The Humira costs 14,000 per injection, which I take twice a month. No idea what the other drugs cost, pretty sure they're pricey though - to the point I'd not be able to afford them for long with no insurance. 

Its worth mentioning - nothing will ever change how I feel on this next statement, ever. 

I will NEVER EVER consent to have my large intestine removed and being fitted with a colostomy bag. NEVER. 

Would I rather die than having a shit bag attached to my abdomen? 


I've had to give this idea thought since I was diagnosed in 2001, so this isn't a new determination, I've had years to think about this. 

The answer is no and it always will be. 

Vehicles of Osbourne

 I am going to give you a brief overview of the vehicles my husband John and I own. (in no specific order) 2002 Pontiac Trans Am Firehawk - ...